New! 3D Sky Fight 2 v.1.00(0)
[by HankersYan]
s60v5 / Symbian^3 Game
Signed (imzaLı)
LAnguage: EngLish
s60v5: 640x360 - 5800 / N97 / 5530 / 5230 / X6 / Satio / Vivaz / U5i / Samsung i8910 HD
Symbian^3: 640x360 - Nokia N8, E7, C7, C6-01, vb.
[by HankersYan] 3D Sky Fight 2 v.1.00(0) (EN) s60v5 / Symbian^3 Game Signed (imzaLı)
3D Sky Fight 2 is a 3D arcade dogfight game. It supports the accelerometer (Only Symbian^3). In the main menu, there are two surreal style fighters for you. In the battle, you can control your fighter using the accelerometer, the way keys or the virtual way keys. If your device only has the keyboard, e.g N95, you can use the left and right way keys to control its move, and the up and down way keys to fire. Careful! yamato battleship and akagi carrier. Good luck.
3D Sky Fight 2 is a 3D arcade dogfight game. It supports the accelerometer (Only Symbian^3). In the main menu, there are two surreal style fighters for you. In the battle, you can control your fighter using the accelerometer, the way keys or the virtual way keys. If your device only has the keyboard, e.g N95, you can use the left and right way keys to control its move, and the up and down way keys to fire. Careful! yamato battleship and akagi carrier. Good luck.