Saturday, August 27, 2011

New! SymDVR v1.10 S60v3 SymbianOS9.x Signed (izmaLı) {Video recorder for Symbian phones}

New! SymDVR v1.10 
S60v3 SymbianOS9.x Signed (izmaLı)
 {Video recorder for Symbian phones}

SymDVR v1.10 S60v3 / s60v5 SymbianOS9.x Signed (izmaLı)
{Video recorder for Symbian phones}
Main features:
Supports continuous video recording
Delete old records automatically
Supports zoom in/out during recording
Can record video in background

You can choose or adjust following options:
Video resolution
Frame rate
Audio codec
Audio and video bitrate
Size of one video file
Storage limit
Disk drive

Known bugs:
Inner video player shows black screen during playing video (Symbian 9.4+ only)
Viewfinder image freezes after application become active (after it back from background mode)

Next steps of development:
Bug fixing
Turn on\off sound during video recording
Show GPS data on the screen and put it to text file
Store tracks in .mps or .gpx formats

What's New:
Fixed found bugs
Zoom functionality for sensors (9.4+) ready
Added LED on / off support while recording (for nonsensors - press "0") Should work on devices with FP2 (S60 rel. 3.2) and higer
Icons in the toolbar (sound, pause, light) are dynamic
Font size of time counter increased (for 9.4+)